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STI 1916 CT
The configuration of the station is to be done via an HTML user interface via a
PC and a standard HTML browser connected to the configuration input.
The two configuration inputs are connected via an internal switch. Several sta-
tions can thus be cascaded for configuration.
If the Control input is connected to
the Internet, after the initial setup,
you can get worldwide access to the
station via an OpenVPN connection
– by PC, tablet or smart phone with
Internet access.
—> When using mobile terminals – dependent on your mobile contract
– additional connection costs / data transfer costs may also be
incurred here.
16 LEDs provide an indication of the status of the 16 lines based on their col-
our and indicate if the respective modulator is switched on (LED illuminates) or
off. The LEDs are blinking red/green during data overflow.
The station is powered by two independent power supplies (redundancy). The
power supplies can be replaced individually during operation. If one power
supply unit fails, a warning signal sounds.
If the control input has connection to the Internet, the device can send a warn-
ing e-mail when a signal, power supply or one of the fans fails.