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In the head-end station display, the channel strips of the cassette are indicated
with “
Bx …A
” (“
Tuner A
”) or “
Bx …B
” (“
Tuner B
”). The channel strip “
Tuner A
can decode encoded services via a corresponding CA module and a dedicated
smart card. The cassette is programmed using the head-end station control unit.
Two LEDs in the channel strips provide an indication with their colour whether
an HF signal is present or not. In a menu, the transmission of DVB service in-
formation (EIT, TDT and SDT) or teletext (TXT) can be individually activated or
DVB service information:
EIT (Event Information Table):
For each service, event information is transmitted (such as starting time,
duration, encryption etc.)
TDT (Time Date Table):
The transmitted table contains the current time and date.
SDT (Service Description Table):
Information relating to the encryption is also sent with the name of each
The LEDs for the LAN interface show whether a network connection exists and
whether a data transfer is in progress.
When the head-end station is switched on, the two-line LC display shows the
software version of the control unit. To operate this cassette the software version
of the control unit must be “
V 41
” or higher. You can find the current operating
software for the control unit and the cassette, the required update software
” and the current assembly instructions on the website “
The cassette is designed for use in the following head-end stations:
– PGT 8
– PST 19-1
– PSU 8
– PSU 12
2.5 Software query
Control unit
If necessary, you can activate the indication of the software version of the con-
trol unit manually:
• Press any two keys on the control unit of the head-end station simultaneously
until the display goes dark and the software version, e.g. “
V 41
” appears.
After activating the cassette the software version of the cassette is displayed (s.
page 16).