Preface & Declaration
Thank you for you selection of R503 Fingerprint Identification Module of GROW.
The Manual is targeted for hardware & software development engineer, covering
module function, hardware and software interface etc. To ensure the developing process
goes smoothly, it is highly recommended the Manual is read through carefully.
Because of the products constantly upgraded and improved, module and the manual
content may be changed without prior notice. If you want to get the latest information,
please visit our company website (www.hzgrow.com).
We have been trying our best to ensure you the correctness of the Manual. However, if
you have any question or find error, feel free to contact us or the authorized agent. We
would be very grateful.
The Manual contains proprietary information of Hangzhou Grow Technology Co., Ltd.,
which shall not be used by or disclosed to third parties without the permission of GROW,
nor for any reproduction and alteration of information without any associated warranties,
conditions, limitations, or notices.
No responsibility or liability is assumed by GROW for the application or use, nor for
any infringements of patents or other intellectual property rights of third parties that may
result from its use.