- 10 -
02h: no finger on the sensor;
03h: fail to enroll the finger;
06h: fail to generate character file due to the over-disorderly fingerprint image;
07h: fail to generate character file due to lackness of character point or over-smallness of
fingerprint image
08h: finger doesn’t match;
09h: fail to find the matching finger;
0Ah: fail to combine the character files;
0Bh: addressing PageID is beyond the finger library;
0Ch: error when reading template from library or the template is invalid;
0Dh: error when uploading template;
0Eh: Module can’t receive the following data packages.
0Fh: error when uploading image;
10h: fail to delete the template;
11h: fail to clear finger library;
13h: wrong password!
15h: fail to generate the image for the lackness of valid primary image;
18h: error when writing flash;
19h: No definition error;
20h: the address code is incorrect;
21h: password must be verified;
22h: fingerprint template is empty;
24h: fingerprint library is empty;
26h: timeout
27h: fingerprints already exist;
29h: sensor hardware error;
1Ah: invalid register number;
1Bh: incorrect configuration of register;
1Ch: wrong notepad page number;
1Dh: fail to operate the communication port;
1Fh: fingerprint library is full;
FCh: unsupported command;
FDh: hardware error;
FEh: command execution failure;
others: system reserved;