HAHT Hydraulic Angle - Hydraulic Tilt 6-Way
HANT Hydraulic Angle - No Tilt
NAHT No Angle - Hydraulic Tilt
NANT No Angle - No Tilt
Angle / Tilt Function Abbreviation Key
Skid Shoe and Tilt Plate Adjustment
Skid Shoe Adjustment:
1. Slide the ratchet keeper out of the way.
2. Loosen the jam nut on the ratchet.
3. Use the ratchet to adjust the skid shoe up or down in the direction
‘A’ shown in Figure 1.
4. Once the depth is set, slide the ratchet keeper back down into place
to hold the ratchet from rotating.
5. Tighten the jam nut to lock the ratchet in place.
6. Place the handle in the manual holder container which is on the left
top arm.
7. When skid shoes are worn down, replace with new skid shoes.
Tilt Plate Adjustment:
1. Remove bolts and tilt plates.
Note: Don’t remove all of the bolts at the same time.
2. Add or remove washers as needed to adjust tilt-way clearance to
have 1/16” - 1/8” of clearance in direction ‘B’ shown in Figure 2.
3. Once the tilt-way clearance is set, tighten bolts to 640 ft-lbs.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Skid Shoe
Skid Shoe
Ratchet Keeper
Removable Pin
Tilt Plates
Connecting and Disconnecting the Blade
To connect the blade follow Steps #19-26 on Page 8.
To disconnect the blade, set the blade on the ground, unhook all of the couplers on the top arm and
pull the 3/4” pin (Part #15 on Page5) from the mushroom skid shoe link (#27 on Page 5) and store the
pin in the empty hole on blade side of the skid shoe mount. The skid shoe link can now rotate freely.
This will allow the blade to lean back further for easy disconnection and reconnection later without
affecting your skid shoe height for dozing. Unlock the quick attach system with the pin pulling handle.
Slowly lower the lift system and quick attaches from the blade to disconnect the blade and back away
from the blade.