Users Manual
Ground Control
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Troubleshooting Indicators
Some of the more common trouble indicators are listed below, for reference.
Tx light does not come on: This means that your modem is not even attempting to transmit. This is typically caused by a
mobile modem not receiving GPS from the controller, or a fix modem that has the wrong GPS coordinates. Double-check
the _networking_ configuration of the system, and contact technical support.
Status light turns red, modem reboots: This means that the option file (the modem configuration) has become corrupt.
The option file will need to be replaced, and the modem will need to be _recovered_.
PWR lights are red:
If the “PWR” lights on the back of the modem are red, this indicates that there is a problem with
the coaxial cables that go to the radio equipment. This is typically a break or bend in the cables, a build up of corrosion
on the connectors, or a loose and faulting connector.