(A) Could you tell us at what needle depth you DO feel the needles penetrate, and
WHAT skin you're using to ascertain that? The soles of the feet are many mm thick dead
skin (callus) so you'll feel nothing, there.
(B) Please attach a picture of the display, when needling 0.75 mm deep, on skin or in
the air. This will allow us to see whether the machine thinks it's needling correctly deep
and without expending too much effort. Please tell us which cartridge type you
(C) Please attach sharp macro pictures (taken from the side) of the cartridge used,
when the problem occurred. One mounted onto the machine, one of the cartridge
unmounted, lying on the table.
(D) Could you please needle a stretched-taut piece of paper from the edge of a table
with one hand, while needling with the other hand with the single needle cartridge on 1
mm and hold it against the light and report whether you see holes? Remember - this
will only work when first turning the machine off and telling it a 1-needle cartridge has
been mounted.
(E) Another test you should definitely do, but it will destroy the cartridge so you can
use an old one (we will send you several replacement cartridges), is to needle the
surface of a table on 0.5 mm with the 9/12 cartridge on FAST. That should cause a loud
"banging" and vibration felt in your hand and will make the power level indicator on
the display go up to maximum. Please attach also a photo of the display when that
happens (or not happens) after waiting 5 seconds and report whether the needles hit
the table (you'll see their imprints).
The table will be scratched and the needles become VERY damaging to skin!