Hansgrohe, Inc.
1490 Bluegrass Lakes Parkway
alpharetta, Ga 30004
Tel. 770 30-9880
Fax 770 30 9887
S - Installation Instructions
t n
o. 90870404
Revised 0
THIS WaRRanTy DoeS noT coVeR and HanSGRoHe WILL noT Pay FoR:
conditions, malfunctions or damage not resulting from defects in material or workmanship.
conditions, malfunctions or damage resulting from (1) normal wear and tear, improper installation, improper maintenance, misuse,
abuse, negligence, accident or alteration, or () the use of abrasive or caustic cleaning agents or “no-rinse” cleaning products,
or the use of the product in any manner contrary to the product instructions. (3) conditions in the home such as excessive water
pressure or corrosion.
Labor or other expenses for the disconnection, deinstallation, or return of the product for warranty service, or for installation or
reinstallation of the product (including but not limited to proper packaging and shipping costs), or for installation or reinstallation of
the product.
accessories, connected materials and products, or related products not manufactured by Hansgrohe.
To oBTaIn WaRRanTy PaRTS oR InFoRMaTIon
contact your Hansgrohe retailer, or contact Technical Service at:
Hansgrohe Inc.
149 Bluegrass Lakes Parkway
alpharetta Ga 30004
Toll-free (800) 334-0455.
In requesting warranty service, you will need to provide
The sales receipt or other evidence of the date and place of purchase.
a description of the problem.
Delivery of the product or the defective part, postage prepaid and carefully packed and insured, to Hansgrohe Inc. 149
Bluegrass Lakes Parkway, alpharetta, Georgia 30004, attention: Technical Service, if required by Hansgrohe.
When warranty service is completed, any repaired or replacement product or part will be returned to you postage prepaid.
RePaIR oR RePLaceMenT (oR, In LIMITeD cIRcuMSTanceS, ReFunD oF THe PuRcHaSe PRIce) aS PRoVIDeD unDeR THIS
WaRRanTy IS THe eXcLuSIVe ReMeDy oF THe PuRcHaSeR. HanSGRoHe neITHeR aSSuMeS noR auTHoRIZeS any PeRSon
To cReaTe FoR IT any oBLIGaTIon oR LIaBILITy In connecTIon WITH THIS PRoDucT.
HanSGRoHe SHaLL noT Be LIaBLe To PuRcHaSeR oR any PeRSon FoR any IncIDenTaL, SPecIaL, oR conSeQuenTIaL
DaMaGeS, aRISInG ouT oF BReacH oF THIS WaRRanTy oR any IMPLIeD WaRRanTy (IncLuDInG MeRcHanTaBILITy).
Some States do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may
not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights which vary from State to State. you may
be required by law to give us a reasonable opportunity to correct or cure any failure to comply before you can bring any action in court
against us under the Magnuson-Moss Warranty act.
PRoDucT InSTRucTIonS anD QueSTIonS
upon purchase or prior to installation, please carefully inspect your Hansgrohe product for any damage or visible defect. Prior to
installing, always carefully study the enclosed instructions on the proper installation and the care and maintenance of the product. If
you have questions at any time about the use, installation, or performance of your Hansgrohe product, or this warranty, please call or
write to us or call us toll-free at 800 334 0455.