h7583 tenoning Jig
Damage to your eyes and lungs could result
from using the table saw without proper pro-
tective gear. always wear safety glasses and
a respirator when operating this machine.
Operation Safety
basic Tenon cutting
your tenoning jig is designed to make tenon cheek
cuts only. generally, cheek cuts are made before
the shoulder cuts, which are then made without
using the jig (see
figure 18).
Mortise Walls
Tenon Cheek
figure 18. illustration of typical basic mortise
and tenon.
using the jig with the
table saw presents seri-
ous injury hazards to
untrained users. Read
through this entire man-
ual and the one for your
table saw to become
familiar with the controls
and operations before
starting the table saw!
the following three procedures will guide you
through the process of cutting a basic tenon.
preparing Jig & Workpiece
1. disConnECt tABlE sAW FroM
2. select stock for your mortise and tenon joint,
then draw the cutting lines, as shown in
figures 18–19.
No list of safety guidelines can be complete.
Every shop environment is different. always
consider safety first, as it applies to your
individual working conditions. use this and
other machinery and tools with caution and
respect. failure to do so could result in seri-
ous personal injury, damage to equipment,
or poor work results.