G4017–20 (Mfd. 02/15+)
Hex bolts on the front and left side of the ram
housing (see
Figure 9) adjust the amount of ram
free-play. The ideal adjustment allows the ram to
move with very little play but not be overly stiff.
Tools Needed
Wrench or Socket 12mm (G4017, G4018) ......... 1
Wrench or Socket 14mm (G4019, G4020) ........ 1
Adjusting Ram Play
To adjust ram play:
1. Loosen hex nuts shown in Figure 9.
2. Install lock collar on pinion hub (see Figure
7) and tighten set screw.
3. Insert handle through pinion hub and install
handle cap, shown in
Figure 8.
4. Thread handle lock bolt into hub, as shown in
Figure 8. When tightened, lock bolt secures
handle in position relative to hub.
2. Equally adjust each pair of hex bolts a
small amount in same direction (clockwise
to decrease free-play, counterclockwise and
increase free-play).
3. Use sliding handle to move ram up and down
a few times to check adjustment. If neces-
sary, further adjust hex bolts as you did in
Step 2.
4. When you are satisfied with the amount of
ram free-play, retighten hex nuts without
moving hex bolts.
Figure 9. Hex bolts used to adjust ram free-play.
Hex Bolts
and Hex
Figure 7. Pinion hub and lock collar assembly.
Lock Collar
Set Screw
Pinion Hub
Figure 8. Handle with lock bolt installed.