Try different positions until you get the best sound. NOTE: Even a 1/8" (3mm) position change can have a
great impact on the sound volume.
Try cheek placement, or use the oral adapter in cases of a tender neck or excess buzzing.
9a. Neck Placement Tips
Adjusting the Base Tone up or down may produce a better voice.
Mid-Range tones are easier to hear for most people.
See Toubleshooting, section 8.
10. Optional Oral Adapter and Oral Tubes
Insert Oral Tube (I) into top of Oral Adapter (J). Ensure the tube does not protrude into the cap area.
Place Oral Adapter over Sound-Head (A).
Place Oral Tube into mouth, at corner of mouth.
Activate Electrolarynx. Speak around Oral Tube.
NOTE: The tube is optional! You may hold the device with the oral adapter to the corner of your mouth!
10a. Oral Adapter Use Tips
The larger rigid Oral Tubes do a very good job of getting sound into your mouth, but can be more difficult to
speak around.
The soft clear Oral Tubes are easier to speak around, but may not get as much sound into your mouth. If your
tongue blocks the sound, you may want to cut an angle on the end to prevent blockage.
You may hear excess "buzzing" (soft clear tubes). Try getting a better seal between the Oral Adapter and the
Tube. Remove the Oral Tube from the Oral Cap and push it back in again.
Practice talking with the Oral Tube. Form words around the tube before turning on the electrolarynx.
A good position for many people is found by placing the tip of the tube just behind your front teeth, and to
one side, or toward the back of the mouth just ahead of where the tongue touches the roof of your mouth
when you make the "G" sound (i.e. "GO").
11. Using the Pressure Sensitive
Button to increase intelligibility—it's
By increasing and decreasing pressure on the button you will be able to add
your speech. This can help your voice sound more natural, and can help the listener understand you better, so you
will have greater
a benefit proven in a study by the University of Minnesota. Small changes in
tone are enough to remove the "robotic edge" to your voice, and will help your listener connect to you better.
Follow these easy steps to get started:
It is recommended to use either MODE 3 or MODE 4 for the exercises. (See "Setting the MODE".)
Press the Power Button lightly to activate the Base Tone.
Hold the electrolarynx in the air to practice at first.
Increase pressure slightly to increase the tone. Decrease pressure to come back down to the base tone.
Practice a smooth up and down transition, slowly increasing and decreasing pressure on the button. Be aware
of the bezel around the button as you release, so you do not cut out.
GREETING: While still buzzing the device in the air, mouth the greeting "How
you?", which should
mimic the slow up and down tone. Once you have the timing accurate, speak using the device. Practice this a
few times.
RESPONSE: Now, practice the response "How are
?" with the tone raised on the word 'you'. First,
practice in the air while you mouth the words, holding steady for the first two words, then increasing
pressure for the final word "
", and finally, snap your thumb off of the power button so you don't drag on.
Once you have the timing down, speak using the device.
BORED: Finally, practice the less common bored phrase "
you?", where you snap the power
button down quickly, then slowly reduce pressure for the final word, "you". This one is tricky because you
don't want to release before you are finished speaking. Practice until you get the timing accurate.
Just remember to press the power button as light as possible, and increase the pressure when you want to
show emotion or emphasis. Place your emotions into the power button.
You do not need to use the intonation in each word, but you will naturally add some to emphasize individual
syllables, words or phrases as needed.
Do not worry about sounding perfect—you will get better, and at least you will not be monotone.
Only press as hard on the button as your personal health and comfort allow.
Even if you do not consciously use the
Button, you may still achieve some natural vocal
inflection with natural changes in pressure on the button.
Copyright 2017, Griffin Laboratories, Inc.
Doc. Ver.: B, 11-02-2017
, 1-800-330-5969
Some Practice Phrases
ow. vs. wow. (Note: Excited vs. Bored)
you. vs. I love
you? vs. How are
(Greeting vs. Response)
bye, vs. Bye
Then, practice on some phrases that you commonly say—phrases that are a part of your personality. You might
have a friend or family member suggest phrases that they are accustomed to hearing you say. Just increase and
decrease pressure slightly with the rhythm of each changing word and syllable. Don't think about it too hard
while you are in conversation—eventually, it will come naturally.
12. Getting More out of your Electrolarynx
– When properly used, the
SoniVox Plus
™ voice amplifier and the
® wireless amplifier
can improve the sound quality of your voice, because you can reduce the volume of the device and still be
louder. This allows your articulation to also be even louder, further increasing intelligibility.
Phone Use
– For telephone use, these two tips go a long way towards improving communication:
Turn the volume DOWN
! Turn the device as quiet as it can be, and still make a tone. This way, your
articulation is as loud or louder than the tone from the device. Otherwise, the tone may be overpowering.
Mic Placement:
Position the phone mic up by the nose. This maximizes the distance between the
microphone and the electrolarynx and stoma, so it does not pick up stoma blast and electrolarynx buzzing.
Do not insert any part of the electrolarynx or any accessories into the stoma.
Do not burn or physically damage the battery.
Do not short-circuit a cell or battery. Do not store cells or batteries haphazardly in a pocket, purse, box or drawer
where they may short-circuit each other or be short-circuited by conductive materials such as coins or keys.
Recycle the device and dispose of the battery according to local regulations for lithium-ion batteries.
Device contains a strong magnet that may interfere with pacemakers or other implantable devices. Consult with
your physician before use.
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Limited Warranty
electrolarynx and its battery are warranted to be free of defects in parts and workmanship for a
period of two (2) years from the date of purchase. The charger and other accessories included in the kit are guaranteed for sixty
(60) days from the date of purchase. Items under warranty will be repaired or replaced, with a new or refurbished unit, at the
discretion of Griffin Laboratories, Inc. Warranty coverage must be validated by the return of the enclosed warranty registration
card within 90 days of purchase from an authorized dealer, or other proof of purchase from an authorized dealer. This warranty
is not transferable, and is not valid outside of the United States.
Drop & Soak® Warranty coverage: Any
electrolarynx with a valid warranty will be repaired or replaced
up to, but no more than, two (2) times for damage caused by accidental impact or moisture. This warranty does not cover
abuse, negligence, soiling, use inconsistent with intended purposes, disassembly or tampering of any kind. All other warranties,
expressed or implied, are hereby excluded. Griffin Laboratories, Inc. shall not be held liable for damages, either direct, indirect
or consequential, resulting from any defect in the manufacture or operation of the electrolarynx, including batteries, charger, or
other accessories. Griffin Laboratories, Inc. will provide warranty service and return postage only within the United States.
An RMA (Return Material Authorizaiton) must be received from Griffin Laboratories, Inc. prior to returning any
Griffin Laboratories, Inc.
Copyright 2017, Griffin Laboratories, Inc.
Doc. Ver.: B, 11-02-2017
, 1-800-330-5969