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PTFM 1.0 Portable Transit Time Flow Meter
Possible Causes:
Corrective Action:
Coupling compound washed out, or transducer loose on
Remount transducer
Use Dow Corning Silicone #4
Calibration Error
Review calibration menu. Pipe dimensions and
fluid selection/fluid velocity.
Higher flow rate than expected
Investigate pump/valves. Compare velocity
with alternate instrument.
Erratic measurement (set damping to 0% to check) due
to electrical noise or poor signal quality.
Try adjusting transducer spacing (+/- 10%) and
contact Greyline for further assistance.
Pipe not Full
Verify pipe is full by mounting transducers at
top of pipe and check echo icon. No echo if
pipe is not full.
High viscosity fluid
Laminar flow profile due to high viscosity fluid
requires an adjustment to Cal Const.