1. Melt the lard/suet into the saucepan, don’t let it burn
2. Once melted, put all dry ingredients into a mixing bowl and then add the lard/suet. If
you are going to mix everything together using your hands then make sure that the fat has
cooled down enough before you get your hands stuck in!
3. Preparing the containers. Now you have the mixture ready, get a piece of string and
loop it and tie a knot in the end of it. Remember not to make the loop too small such that it
won’t fi t over the branch/hook etc.
4. Press the soft mixture into the yoghurt pot/chosen container and around the string,
making it as compact as possible so that the string doesn’t escape.
5. Once fi lled to the top of the yoghurt pot, leave the mixture to cool.
Storing in a cold shed or garage would be ideal, you could just as easily
store them in the fridge.
6. After the mixture is chilled, you need to remove it from the container.
The best way to do this is to partially fi ll a bowl with warm water and
place the container in. This way the water will warm the fast slightly in
order to soften it allowing you to remove the fat balls.