In addition to common household tools and hobby tools, this is
the “short list” of the most important items required to build the
YAK 55.
Great Planes Pro
Foam Safe CA is recommended.
Low-temperature, hot-melt glue gun and glue
Hobby knife with #11 blade (HCAR0105)
Thin, Foam Safe-CA (GPMR6069)
Threadlocker cement (GPMR6060)
Here is a list of optional tools mentioned in the manual that
will help you build the Great Planes Yak 55.
Great Planes CG Machine
Household string
Common straight pin
Fuse = Fuselage
Fin = Vertical Fin
LE = Leading Edge
TE = Trailing Edge
LG = Landing Gear
Ply = Plywood
Stab = Horizontal Stabilizer
" = Inches
SHCS = Socket Head Cap Screw
mm = Millimeters
To convert inches to millimeters, multiply inches by 25.4
(25.4mm = 1”)
• When you see the term
test fit in the instructions, it
means that you should first position the part on the
assembly without using any glue, then slightly modify or
custom fit the part as necessary for the best fit.
• Whenever the term
glue is written, you should rely upon your
experience to decide what type of glue to use. When a specific
type of adhesive works best for that step, the instructions will
make a recommendation. Since this model is constructed
from foam, we recommend the use of foam-safe CA glues and
only. Do not use standard CA glue on this model as
it will dissolve the structure.
• Photos and sketches are placed before the step they
refer to. Frequently you can study photos in following steps
to get another view of the same parts.
Optional Supplies and Tools
Adhesives and Building Supplies