5. Make a 90º bend in the pushrod on your mark, then
insert it through the enlarged hole in the servo arm. Secure
the wire in place with a nylon FasLink. Trim the excess wire
1/16" [1.5mm] above the FasLink.
6. Install the elevator control horn by positioning the horn
as close to the inboard edge of the elevator as possible and
mark the location of the mounting hole. Drill 3/32" [2.5mm]
mounting holes through the marks. Wick two to three drops
of thin CA into the holes to harden the underlying balsa, then
re-drill the holes. Attach the horns using two 2-56 x 5/8"
machine screws and a nylon nut plate.
Do not overtighten
the screws, crushing the underlying balsa.
7. Install the elevator pushrod. Place a clevis retainer onto
the clevis. Thread the clevis 14-turns onto the pushrod.
Attach the clevis to the outer hole of the control horn.
Slightly bend the pushrod wire as necessary to allow for free
8. Center the elevator and elevator servo and mark the
pushrod where it crosses the servo arm. Enlarge the servo
horn hole with a 5/64" [2mm] drill bit.
9. Make a 90º bend in the pushrod on your mark, then
insert it through the enlarged hole in the servo arm. Secure
the wire in place with a nylon FasLink. Trim the excess wire
1/16" [1.6mm] above the FasLink.
10. Install a brass screw-lock pushrod connector with the
4-40 x 1/8" cap screw on the throttle servo horn. Snap the
nylon retainer onto the screw-lock pushrod connector post
beneath the servo horn.