NOTE: Use the steel wire pushrods supplied in this
kit. Substitution of plastic inner pushrod may result
in control surface flutter.
D 1. Screw a 2-56 hex nut onto the threaded end
of each long steel wire pushrod and position it
about half way down the threads. Screw a
metal clevis onto the same threaded ends of
the steel pushrod wires until they touch the
hex nuts. The clevises should be screwed all
the way on until the wire protrudes approxi-
mately 1/16" into the clevis opening.
2. Cut the 2-inch piece of yellow inner pushrod
tubing into small disks approximately 1/16"
thick. (These are used to prevent side play of the
steel pushrods inside the guide tubes.) Clean the
pushrod wire with alcohol to remove any oily
residue. Before making any Z-bends in the
pushrod wire, slide the pieces of tubing onto the
wire, spaced approximately 2" apart. NOTE:
Avoid locating any of these spacers close to
the points where the wire will exit the red
outer tubing, as this could cause the pushrod
to lock up. If the spacers fit loosely over the
wire, secure the spacers to the wire with a small
drop of C/A glue. Insert the pushrods into the
outer tubes and attach the clevises to the nylon
elevator and rudder horns.
D 4. While holding the rudder and elevators in
the neutral position, mark where the pushrod
wires cross the holes in the servo wheels where
each pushrod will be attached.
D 5. Remove the elevator and rudder pushrods
and make Z-bends at the marks you just made.
Cut off the excess pushrod wire.
NOTE: If you wish you can use solder clevises for
the pushrod to servo linkage here.
D 6. Unscrew the metal clevises, re-insert the
pushrods, and replace the clevises. Remove the
servo wheels and work the Z-bends into the
holes (drill the holes to 5/64" if necessary). Fi-
nally, place the servo wheels back onto the ser-
vos and check the operation of the elevator and
rudder. We recommend the following control
surface throws:
Elevator: 5/8" up, and 5/8" down
Rudder: 1-1/4" left, and 1-1/4" right
LI 7. Now install 1/8" balsa cross-braces on F-3 to
secure the front ends of the pushrod guide
D 8. Attach the nosegear pushrod to the rudder
servo wheel. NOTE: We recommend using a
DuBro "E-Z connector" (or similar) for this
hookup, for ease of installation and adjust-
D 9. Attach the throttle pushrod to the throttle
servo. NOTE: You may also use an "E-Z connec-
tor" for this hookup.
D 10. Anchor the throttle and nosegear pushrod
guide tubes to the fuse sides and the 1/4" balsa
cross-brace with pieces of scrap 1/8" ply.
D 11. Hook up your radio system and test the
operation of all controls.
D 12. Make sure that the servos you are using
have no free-play or "slop" in them. We have
seen some new servos that have an unbelieva-
ble amount of slop. With your pushrod instal-
lation finalized and the radio turned on, check
for servo slop by grasping the elevators and
rudder and work them back and forth while
observing the servo arms. If you find one or
more servos that have free-play, you are ad-
vised to replace them and use the "bad" ones
as throttle servos.
D 13. Make sure there is no slop in the connection
of the pushrods to the servo wheels.
D 1. Using a scissors, carefully cut the canopy
along the trim line.