8. Fit the vertical fin into the slot at the top trailing edge of
the fuselage. As you did with the stabilizer, mark the location of
the fuselage onto the fin. Remove the fin and trim away the
covering 1/16" [1.6 mm] inside your lines. The covering on the
trailing edge of the fin should not be removed.
9. Use 30-minute epoxy to glue the vertical fin into the
fuselage. Be sure the fin is fully seated.
10. Attach the elevator halves to the horizontal stabilizer
with CA hinges using the same technique as the ailerons.
11. Attach the rudder to the vertical fin with CA hinges.
1. Trim the covering from the exit slots for the elevator
and rudder pushrods. You will find an elevator and rudder
exit slot on the right side of the fuselage, and an elevator exit
slot on the left.
2. Position the elevator and rudder servo into the servo
tray. The rudder servo should be pushed to the far left side
of the fuselage, and the elevator servo should be spaced
approximately 1/2" [13 mm] from the rudder servo. Both
servo splines should face forward.
3. Drill 1/16" [1.6 mm] holes for the servo mounting
screws. Thread a mounting screw into each hole and back it
out. Add a couple drops of thin CA to each hole to harden
the wood. Secure the servos to the servo tray using the
hardware that came with the servos.
Install the Tail Linkages & Servos