2. Connect the elevator servo to your receiver. Remove the
servo screw from the servo and install a large servo arm onto
the servo. Center the trims on the transmitter. Position the
servo arm so that one arm is perpendicular to the centerline
of the servo as shown. Use diagonal pliers to remove the
three extra servo arms.
3. Install the elevator servo in the forward servo hole with
the output shaft towards the front of the fuselage. Glue the
servo in place with foam-safe CA. Be careful not to get any
glue inside the servo case.
4. Center the servo arm on the rudder servo and trim off
the extra servo arms. Use foam-safe CA to glue the rudder
servo, with the output shaft forward, in the aft servo hole on
the left side of the fuselage.
5. Install the pre-assembled elevator pushrod by inserting
pushrod guides
through the fuselage as shown.
glue the pushrod guides in place at this time.
6. Insert the
rudder pushrod
from the front, through the
fi ve pushrod guides. The z-bend should be next to the rudder
servo arm.
7. Remove the elevator servo arm and insert the z-bend
into the outer hole of the arm
approximately 5/8” [16mm]
from the center of the servo arm.
If you are not using
a computer radio, and do not wish to set your model up with
3D control throws, you will need to insert the z-bend in a hole
closer to the center of the servo arm. The z-bend should be
installed so that the pushrod is on the back side of the servo