Great Plains | 166-486M | 2019/01/29
7. Remove the jack (1) from storage position and
pin securely to lifting stob on outside of drill
tongue. See “
8. If the ground is soft, place a wide block or plate
under the jack to increase contact area.
9. Securely chock tires to prevent the jack from
digging or sliding off the plate.
10. If the drill has hydraulic brakes:
a. Disconnect the hydraulic line from the tractor.
Store the fitting of the hydraulic line in the
holder on the tongue.
b. Untie the rope for the emergency valve from
the tractor. Coil the rope onto the emergency
c. Rotate the shaft in the emergency valve to
clockwise to apply the brakes.
11. If the drill has air brakes:
a. First, disconnect the red-coded (control)
gladhand. This will cause the air reservoir to
pressurize the brake system and apply the
b. Next, disconnect the yellow-coded (supply)
c. Close the covers on the gladhands.
d. Store the gladhands on the tongue.
12. Disconnect the electrical lines and protect with
any plugs or caps provided.
13. Release pressure on the hydraulic system, then
disconnect the hydraulic lines and pull all lines
back onto the tongue of the drill. Store the hoses
ends in keyholes of the hose holder bracket. The
largest hole is reserved for the sump line.
14. If equipped, disconnect the safety chain.
15. Unhitch from the tractor.
Store the drill where children do not play. If possible,
store inside for longer life.
1. Unload all material in hoppers. See “
2. Raise, fold and lock implement (page 30).
3. For unfolded storage:
a. Raise and unfold the implement.
b. Install the gauge wheel lock channels.
c. Initiate a fold just until the center lock
d. Lower the implement onto the lock channels.
e. Set all hydraulic remotes to float.
4. Unlatch the hopper lids so the seals are not in
compression during storage. Route a chain or
security cable through the hold-down u-bolt and
the latch handle to prevent unauthorized entry,
and prevent high winds from opening the lid.
6. Lubricate the drill at all points listed in
7. Check all bolts, pins, fittings and hoses. Tighten,
repair or replace parts as needed.
8. Check all moving parts for wear or damage.
Make notes of any parts needing repair or
replacement before the next season.
9. Set meter doors to slightly open, but not wide
enough for animals to enter the meters. Wire
doors in place if needed. Do not store the drill
with seals compressed.
10. Raise and latch the ladders, to discourage
11. Clean drill of mud, dirt, excess oil and grease.
12. Apply grease to exposed cylinder rods to prevent
13. Use touch-up paint to cover scratches, chips, and
worn areas to prevent rust.