Folding Speed with Sequence Valve
Refer to Figure 27
The marker hydraulic system is equipped with needle
valves to control how fast each marker operates. The
needle valves are built into the sequence valve body.
Adjust folding speed with hex adjustment screws on the
sequence valve body. There is one adjustment screw
for raising speed (1) and one for lowering speed (2).
Identify adjustment screws by markings stamped in
valve body.
With tractor idling at a normal operating speed, adjust
marker folding to a safe speed. Turn adjustment screws
clockwise to decrease folding speed and
counterclockwise to increase folding speed. Excessive
folding speed could damage markers and void the
After adjusting folding speed, tighten jam nuts on hex
adjustment screws to hold settings.
Markers cycle in the following sequence:
1. Right up, Left up
2. Right down, Left up
3. Right up, Left up
4. Right up, Left down
5. Sequence repeats.
Folding Speed with Needle Valve
Refer to Figure 28
Needle valves control the speed of each marker and is
located at the rod ends of the marker cylinders.
With tractor idling at a normal operating speed, adjust
marker folding to a safe speed. Turn adjustment knob
clockwise to reduce folding speed or counterclockwise
to increase folding speed. Excessive folding speed
could damage markers and void the warranty.
Figure 27
Marker Sequence Valve
Figure 28
Single Marker Needle Valve