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Locate the leads attached to the servos and speed controller, and connect them to
the receiver in the following order: socket 1 speed controller, socket 2 left aileron
servo, socket 3 elevator servo, socket 5 right aileron servo. Refer to the diagram
printed on the receiver to ensure that the leads are all plugged in the right way round:
the brown wire is always at the top of the receiver.
The picture shows the receiver with all connections complete, and the BEC plug and
socket connected. Please note the information in the following section in this regard.
Binding the GR-12 receiver, servo settings.
First give the LiPo battery and the transmitter battery a full charge.
It is important
only to use the recommended battery chargers, and to observe the operating
instructions and safety notes supplied with the charger.
Move the right-hand transmitter stic
k back to the “motor off” position.
Switch the MX-10 transmitter on, and check that the long
3-position switch
front left of the transmitter is in the down-
position (“NORMAL”), otherwise it will
not be possible to bind the receiver.
Now connect the
BEC plug and socket
between the speed controller and the
LiPo battery (see picture above). Please remember that the action of completing
the BEC connection switches on the receiver, i.e. in this condition the motor could
suddenly burst into life unexpectedly as a result of unforeseen circumstances.
this reason: never touch the propeller when the BEC plug and socket are
connected. Ignoring this warning may result in serious injury to hands,
arms, face or eyes.
Initiate the “BIND” process, then check all the control surface functions. The right-
hand stick controls the motor and the primary directional control (ailerons). If you
move this stick to the left, the left-hand aileron must deflect up, the right-hand
aileron down. The left-hand stick controls the elevator: pulling the stick back
towards you causes the elevator to deflect up; moving it forward generates a
down-elevator movement.
If you need to correct the direction of rotation of any servo, operate the approp-
servo reverse switch
on the transmitter. Use the
trim buttons
to fine-tune
the control surfaces to centre (neutral). These adjustments are very important, as