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Assembling the AMIGO IV
Fit the receiver battery and receiver as far forward in the fuselage as possible,
wrapped in foam for shock absorption. Fix them in place so that they cannot shift aft
when the model is flying.
Push the wing joiner rod into one wing panel as far as the angle, then fit the second
panel onto the projecting end of the rod. Fix the wing to the fuselage using the
rubber bands supplied.
ensure that the tailplane cannot shift when attached to the fuselage.
Balancing the AMIGO IV
The completely equipped model, i.e. in its ready-to-fly state, should balance level at
a point about 110 mm aft of the wing root leading edge, ideally with the nose inclined
slightly down. The lead ballast required must be fixed permanently in the fuselage,
so that it cannot possibly shift in flight.
For the first few test-flights it is a good idea to move the CG forward slightly.
Before flying the aircraft set the transmitter trims to centre and ensure that both
control surfaces are also exactly at centre (neutral).
Control surface travels
10 mm up
10 mm down
10 mm right
10 mm left
You may need to use the DUAL RATE function at the transmitter to set the
recommended control surface travels.
When fitting and adjusting the rudder and elevator linkages it is important to ensure
that they move freely, without binding, are able to move to their full extent - including
trim travel - and are not obstructed mechanically at any point.
When you move the rudder stick to the right, the rudder should also deflect to the
right (left stick: left rudder).
Pull the elevator stick back towards you, and both elevators must deflect up (stick
forward: elevator down).
All that remains is to wish you many hours of pleasure flying your
Yours - the team