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hoW the Controls Work
Button A
will open the gate and then after a preset time (30 seconds unless
changed) the gate will close automatically.
Button B
will open the gate and hold it open until Button B is clicked again.
Buttons C and D
are spares and can be programmed to either open a garage
door fitted with an e-Gate receiver unit or open the gate part way to allow
pedestrian access.
Adding New Remote controls to the operator
Using a remote control that already works on your gate pressing Buttons A
and C together will cause the operator to start beeping. If you press one but-
ton slightly before the other the gate may open instead, so close it and have
another try. Once the operator is beeping press button A on the new remote
control and the beeping should respond with a faster beep for a second and
then go off. Test the new remote to see if it opens the gate.
To get Button B to work firstly press buttons A and D together on a working re-
mote control and the operator should start beeping, now press button B on the
new remote control and the operator should respond as before and this button
should now work. To get buttons C or D to open the gate part way for pedestri-
an entry press buttons B and D on a working remote control and the operator
will start beeping, then press either button C or D and this will now be set for
pedestrian entry. This process can also be used to remove buttons from any
working remote
The e-Gate remote control has
been designed to fit on a key ring
and can be unclipped quickly with
the quick release clip if needed.
To use the remote control hold
it up vertically or let it hang
upside down from a key ring. It
DOeSN’T need to be pointed in
any directly like a TV remote.
either of the four buttons need
only be pressed for a second and