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UCM6xxx Voicemail service Guide
Voicemail Email Settings
The UCM630X can be configured to send the voicemail as attachment to Email. Under
Call features
Click on "
Voicemail Email Settings
" button to configure the Email attributes and content.
Figure 6: Voicemail Email Settings
The table below provides a description for the voicemail email settings:
Table 3: Voicemail Email Settings
Send Voicemail to Email
If enabled, voicemail will be sent to the user's email address. Note: SMTP
server must be configured to use this option.
Keep Voicemail after
Enable this option if you want to keep recording files after the Email is sent.
The default setting is Enable.
Email Template
Fill in the "Subject:" and "Message:" content, to be used in the Email when
sending to the user. The template variables are:
\t: TAB
${VM_NAME}: Recipient's first name and last name
${VM_DUR}: The duration of the voicemail message
${VM_MAILBOX}: The recipient's extension
${VM_CALLERID}: The caller ID of the person who has left the message
${VM_MSGNUM}: The number of messages in the mailbox
${VM_DATE}: The date and time when the message is left