P a g e
GRP260x Administration Guide
Default setting is “UDP”.
: The CA certificate is required to connect with the TLS server.
Syslog Server
The URL or IP address of the syslog server for the phone to send syslog to.
: By adding port number to the Syslog server field (i.e.,, the phone will send syslog to the corresponding port of
that IP.
Syslog Level
Selects the level of logging for syslog.
The default set
ting is “None”. There are 4 levels: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING
and ERROR.
Syslog messages are sent based on the following events:
Product model/version on boot up (INFO level).
NAT related info (INFO level).
sent or received SIP message (DEBUG level).
SIP message summary (INFO level).
inbound and outbound calls (INFO level).
registration status change (INFO level).
negotiated codec (INFO level).
Ethernet link up (INFO level).
SLIC chip exception (WARNING and ERROR levels).
Memory exception (ERROR level).
Syslog Keyword Filter
Syslog will be filtered based on keywords provided. If you enter multiple
keywords, it should be separated by ‘,’. Please note that no spaces are
Send SIP Log
Configures whether the SIP log will be included in the syslog messages. The
default setting is “No”.
By setting Send SIP Log to Yes, the phone will still send SIP log from
syslog even when Syslog Level set to NONE.
Packet Capture
With RTP Packets
Defines whether the packet capture file contains RTP or not. The default
setting is “No”.
Enter Ping target’s IP address or URL and click on start.
Input target’s IP address or URL and click on start
Outbound Notification
Action URL