P a g e
GRP260x Administration Guide
Enable SRTP mode based on your selection from the drop-down menu.
Enabled but Not forced
Enabled and Forced
The default setting is “No”.
SRTP Key Length
Allows users to specify the length of the SRTP calls. Available options are:
AES 128&256 bit
AES 128 bit
AES 256 bit
Default setting is AES 128&256 bit
Crypto Life Time
Enable or disable the crypto lifetime when using SRTP. If users set to disable
this option, phone does not add the crypto lifetime to SRTP header. The
default setting is “Yes”.
Configure RTCP port negotiations rules
Use the traditional RTCP port, which is “RTP port+1.
Negotiate RTCP Port:
Use attribute RTCP to negotiate.
The caller actively negotiates the RTCP port and
indicates RTCP Mux at the same time.
RTCP Mux Only:
The caller forces RTCP Mux, generated by the
local media port only apply for RTP.
RTCP Keep-Alive Method
Configure the RTCP channel keep-alive packet type.
Receiver Report:
The RTCP channel will send “receiver
source descRTCP extension” as keep alive data.
Sender Report:
The RTCP channel will send “Sender
source descRTCP extension” as keep alive data.
RTP Keep-Alive Method
Configure the RTP channel keep-alive packet type.
No data will be sent.
RTP version 1:
The wrong version infor “1” will be carried when
sending RTP data packets.
VQ RTCP-XR Collector Name
Configure the host name of the central report collector that accepts voice
quality reports contained in SIP PUBLISH messages.
VQ RTCP-XR Collector
Configure the IP address of the central report collector that accepts voice
quality reports contained in SIP PUBLISH messages.
VQ RTCP-XR Collector Port
Configure the port of the central report collector that accepts voice quality
reports contained in SIP PUBLISH messages.