Alarm Action:
Enable/Disable the Mail/FTP upload function.
Alarm Mail:
Enable/Disable the alarm e-mail function. Before enabling this function, please
configure the SMTP configuration first. (refer to section 8.8)
Alarm Ftp:
Enable/Disable the FTP upload function. Before enabling this function, please
configure the FTP configuration first. (refer to section 8.9)
Save button:
Save and apply the configuration.
8.12 Authentication Settings
Mega Pixel IP Camera provides video stream authentication. If this function is enabled, users need to be
authenticated for accessing the video stream. For further configure this function, please click on the
“Authen” in the Menu List.
Authentication On/Off:
Enable/Disable video authentication.
Number of Connections:
User might specify the maxima of connections here. Mega Pixel IP
Camera could support up to 20 connections simultaneously.
Save button:
Save and apply the configuration.
8.13 Account Management
User could change the password of the root account through the Account Management. Click on
“Account” in the Menu List and follow the steps below for changing the password:
Step 1:
Enter the user name and current password twice. Then press the “OK” button for getting into the
“Change Password” page.
Step 2:
Enter the new password twice. And then press “SET PASSWORD” button for changing the