Grand Canyon Gas Logs |3515 E. Atlanta Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85040
The damper clamp with hex bolt is provided as a means to prevent full closure of the damper blade. The clamp
can be attached to most damper blades with pliers or a wrench, and must be permanently installed. The clamp
is designed to prevent accidental closure of the damper when installed. Should the clamp not fit or fail to
provide the permanent vent opening listed in the table above, have a permanent stop installed, remove the
damper blade or have the damper cut to provide the minimum permanent opening required.
With all ISOFLAMES Burners the gas can be installed on either the left or the right side of the burner, set
up burners according to where the gas enters the fireplace.
1. Position the burner in the center of the fireplace with or without a valve system.
2. Connect whistle free flex to the burner/valve & the gas inlet.
NG - Tear or Rip embers in pieces as small as possible. Use either a comb or brush to achieve this. The smaller
the piece, the better the ember glow. Pour Vermiculite along the bottom ember bed. Spread the embers across
the front burner, ember burner and fill up the pan. Dump lava rock around the burner coving the hearth.
LP - Tear or Rip embers in pieces as small as possible. Use either a comb or brush to achieve this. The smaller
the piece, the better the ember glow. Pour Vermiculite along the bottom ember bed. Spread the embers across
the front burner, ember burner and fill up the pan. Dump lava rock around the burner coving the hearth.