NW Explorations
4F: Electrical Systems, AC
4F1: AC Generators
The ship’s two Westerbeke generators provide 20,000 watts (“20KW
Generator”) and 8,000 watts (“8KW Generator”) of AC power to the vessel
and are used for battery charging, heating hot water, the washer/dryer, all air
conditioning, and operation of incidental AC appliances.
The generators are in the engine room. It is important to check each
generator’s sea strainer (see section 4S1) to be sure they have not
accumulated substantial debris while the generators were run for extended
periods, particularly at anchor.
Generator Selection:
Before starting either generator, determine which you will need. Unless you
are using the air conditioning, or using a combination of the Dryer, and water
heater, you most likely will only need the 8,000 watt generator, #2! (You have
a guide to evaluation of required wattages on page 28 of this manual.)
Starting a Generator:
The generator control panels are at the top of one of the AC control
panels. Use them as follows:
1. Press the
switch and hold for 15-20 seconds;
2. While holding in the preheat switch, push the start button until the
generator starts (but no longer than fifteen seconds). When it is started
and running (the green light will light), release the start switch while
continuing to hold the preheat switch for an additional 3 seconds, then
See warning under “Generator Problems, below!
3. Check the generator exhaust, or listen for it to confirm that cooling water is
being pumped from it.
4. After a brief warmup of a minute or so, set the generator selector in the AC
panel to the correct generator, then switch the shore power switch in the
AC power panel to “Gen”. You should see the “AC Present” pilot light go on!
Generator Exhausts:
Each generator has an exhaust outlet just above the waterline midships under the
aft spray rail. The 20KW generator exhausts to port, the 8KW to starboard. You will
want to be careful with generator use when you have “rafted” Dream Catcher to
another boat when anchored!
Stopping a Generator:
1. Switch the Shore Power switch to “Off”. This removes the load for the
generator and allows it to cool down.
2. After at least a minute of cool down, press and hold the lower stop switch
down (toward the stop sign) until the generator comes to a complete stop. Generator Problems:
The generators monitor their own operation, a loss in oil pressure or any overheating. If either occurs, the generator
shuts itself off, and will not keep running when you try to restart it.
Before repeated starting, shut off sea water supply to avoid water- locking the engine! Then, remember to turn it back on
when the generator starts!
Generators: (Above) 20KW. (Below) 8KW.
Westerbeke Control Panels.
20 KW exhaust is on the port side.