NW Explorations
4B: Barbeque
Dream Catcher carries a propane barbecue which mounts on the port side sundeck handrail near the steps from the port
side deck. Its tank is nearby on the railing.
To operate the barbecue:
1. Be sure the propane tank valve is on;
2. Turn the valve to the right of the grill to “High”
3. Press the igniter button or use a “propane match” to light the grill.
4C: Bilge Blowers
The boat has bilge blowers controlled by “engine room fan” breakers in the AC panel at the lower helm. These blowers
are not generally needed in the cool Northwest; they would be used in hot weather such as in southern latitudes, or to
moderately cool the engine room when an operator has to be in it when the engines are, or have been recently running.
4D: Bilge Pumps
The boat has two bilge pumps, one in
each bilge area, each controlled by a
“mode” switch in the DC Circuit Breaker
panel by the lower helm. There is a
breaker here for each of the pumps, as
well as the mode switches.
Each breaker (red arrows), in turn, goes
to a switch in the breaker panel labeled
“Manual”, “Off”, or “Auto”, and these
switches (green arrows) should be left in the “Auto” position.
When in “Auto”, the pump is controlled by its float switch.
When set to “Off”, the pump will not run (this position is used in case the float switch will not turn off when all the water
has been pumped due to a defective float switch.)
When set to “Manual”, the pump is running without regard to the float switch. This is used by the operator to check the
bilges, to drain water below the range of the float switch, and to bypass the switch in case it is defective.