This warranty specifically does not include the following:
Damage caused by abuse, negligence, vandalism, lack of maintenance, improper
storage, or accident.
• Any statements, representations, or warranties given by dealer or other third persons
other than those provided within this warranty.
• Any unit which is part of a rental fleet, used for racing, or commercial purposes.
• Any unit which has been salvaged or declared a total loss.
• The following consequential damages: a) loss of time; b) inconvenience; c) towing
charges; d) expenses for travel, lodging, telephone, and gasoline; e) loss or damage to
personal property or loss of revenue; f) loss of use of the boat; g) storage fees for the
• Equipment or accessories which are not installed by Grady-White or which carry their
own individual warranties, including, but not limited to engines, outdrives, propellers,
controls, steering, bilge pumps, electronics and any other part expressly warranted by
the manufacturer thereof.
• Damage or deterioration of cosmetic surface finishes including gel coat cracking,
crazing, blistering, discoloration, chalking or fading, chrome, plated or painted metal,
aluminum and stainless steel finishes, plastics or acrylic materials, windshields, glass
breakage, all vinyl upholstery and canvas, instruments and gauges, and leakage around
windshields, windows, hatches, and other apertures.
• Failure of the owner to use, maintain, or store the boat as specified in the Grady-White
owner's manual; and any other failure to provide reasonable care and maintenance.
Normal wear and tear maintenance items are excluded from warranty coverage
including but not limited to filters, bulbs, batteries, and bungees (refer to owner's
manual for additional maintenance items).
• Any Grady-White boat which has been altered or modified from Grady-White factory
specifications, including penetration of the hull by anyone other than Grady-White or a
Grady-White authorized dealer following Grady-White factory specified procedures.
• Any failure or defect resulting from a previous repair not authorized by Grady-White.
• Any boat which has been overpowered according to the maximum Grady-White
recommended engine horsepower specifications on the capacity plate affixed to the
Содержание Adventure 208
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Страница 6: ...T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ...
Страница 10: ...W E L C O M E 1 4 ...
Страница 24: ...G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N 3 6 ...
Страница 34: ...I N S T R U M E N T A T I O N A N D S W I T C H E S 5 6 ...
Страница 44: ...M A I N T E N A N C E A N D S E R V I C E 6 10 ...
Страница 65: ...A D V E N T U R E 2 0 8 8 17 L i v e w e l l L a y o u t OVERFLOW DRAIN INLET PUMP STERN CHECK VALVE ...
Страница 67: ...A D V E N T U R E 2 0 8 8 19 P o r ta b l e H e a d L a y o u t Portable Head 90 Elbows Vent Deck Pumpout ...
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