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Ball valve seacocks are installed on the thru hulls for the livewell, washdown, air/cooler
pumps, generator systems and some head features. It is necessary for the seacocks to be in the
“open” position for operation. The “open” position is identified by the orientation of the handle. If
the handle is in line or parallel to the body of the valve, the seacock is in the “open” position. If
the handle is perpendicular to the body of the valve, the seacock is in the “closed” position. For
seacocks with remote arms installed, the “open” position can be obtained by pulling up on the
remote arm attached to the seacock handles. Pushing down on the remote arm closes the seacock.
Trim tabs are electrically and hydraulically operated. The trim tab system includes a hydraulic
pump, a switch with an integrated indicator, and an auto-retract feature. The switch controls the
pump which lowers and raises the trim tabs. The indicator keeps you constantly aware of the trim
tab’s position. The auto-retract feature automatically raises the tabs every time the ignition switch
is turned off.
Trim tabs are used to regulate the attitude of the boat while moving. They are operated by a
switch panel and will aid in trimming the boat fore and aft for a smoother ride. Trim tabs can
improve the ride of your boat by adjusting where the water is hitting the keel line. In a slight chop,
the waves may be hitting the keel of your boat around the helm area causing an uncomfortable
ride. By adjusting the trim tabs and lowering the bow, the waves will hit the keel at a more
forward point and soften the ride. Experimenting with trim tabs in various sea conditions will help
you determine the best positions for your boat under different load conditions.
Trim tabs are also useful in correcting a port or starboard running list. If the boat is listing to
the port side, press the starboard trim tab switch toward “bow down”. Press the port trim tab
switch toward “bow down” to correct a starboard list. This will tend to lower the bow by pulling
the higher side to a level position. If your bow is already in a low position and your tabs are down,
you may correct a listing condition by pressing the trim tab switch toward “bow up”. This will
cause the low side to rise and level the boat. The running angle will also gradually improve.
All seacocks should be in the “closed” position if not in use or if the boat is unattended to prevent
the taking on of water if a plumbing component fails.
Содержание Adventure 208
Страница 2: ......
Страница 6: ...T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ...
Страница 10: ...W E L C O M E 1 4 ...
Страница 24: ...G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N 3 6 ...
Страница 34: ...I N S T R U M E N T A T I O N A N D S W I T C H E S 5 6 ...
Страница 44: ...M A I N T E N A N C E A N D S E R V I C E 6 10 ...
Страница 65: ...A D V E N T U R E 2 0 8 8 17 L i v e w e l l L a y o u t OVERFLOW DRAIN INLET PUMP STERN CHECK VALVE ...
Страница 67: ...A D V E N T U R E 2 0 8 8 19 P o r ta b l e H e a d L a y o u t Portable Head 90 Elbows Vent Deck Pumpout ...
Страница 72: ...L I M I T E D W A R R A N T Y 9 4 ...