Gradient s.r.o., Plzenska 221/130, 150 00 Praha 5, tel+fax +420257216319,, [email protected].
8. Enjoy your flying
Even though the Avax XC5 has outstanding performance and stability it must be understood
that even the safest paraglider is an aircraft and that all air sports can be relatively dangerous.
Remember that your safety lies in your own hands and that it’s always your responsibility to
be well prepared.
Never underestimate weather conditions. And never forget that you are flying for pleasure
and not to become a ‘fallen hero’. Remember this and the fun that only free-flying can bring
will be yours.
We believe that your sensible attitude and the flight characteristics of your Avax XC5 will
combine to ensure you have many hours of fantastic flying.
For all our gliders we are using Porcher materials which are made under environmental laws
of EU and all the coating has to be environmental friendly.
When your glider get to the end of its life we recommend to use Porcher recycling Program
to dispose it.
GRADIENT wishes you many fabulous flights and happy landings.
Ondřej Dupal Cyprián Koreň