Pressure Relief Procedure
Pressure Relief Procedure
Follow the Pressure Relief Procedure whenever
you see this symbol.
1. Turn ON/OFF switch OFF and turn pressure control
knob fully counterclockwise to OFF position.
2. Point applicator into hopper. Turn applicator ON.
3. If you suspect the spray tip or hose is clogged or
that pressure has not been fully relieved:
a. If installed, turn prime valve down to prime
b. VERY SLOWLY loosen the retaining ring (3),
hose end coupling (41), or pressure relief valve
on the sprayer to relieve pressure gradually.
c. Loosen the nut or coupling completely.
d. Clear the obstruction in the hose or tip.
: If pressure relief valve was used to relieve
pressure, be sure to disassemble and clean thoroughly.
This equipment stays pressurized until pressure is
manually relieved. To help prevent serious injury from
pressurized fluid, such as skin injection, splashing
fluid and moving parts, follow the Pressure Relief
Procedure when you stop spraying and before
cleaning, checking, or servicing the equipment.