1 Important
Does Your Seat Fit Your Child Correctly?
To make sure your child is secured properly, review section 4 to
understand all of the actions you need to take to properly adjust the
car seat to fit your child.
You Need To Adjust:
Harness Height
Harness straps at or just below the
child’s shoulders. Review section 4-A.
Buckle Position
The correct slot is the one that is closest
to your child without being underneath
them. Review section 4-B.
Harness Tightness
If your fingers slide off the harness straps
without pinching the straps, it is tight
enough. Review section 4-C.
Preterm or low birth weight infants may be at special risk in
a vehicle or aircraft. According to the AAP, these infants may suffer
breathing issues if improperly reclined in a car seat. Use the corrected
age for preemies. Graco advises that you have your physician or hospital
staff evaluate your infant and recommend the proper car seat or car bed
before you and your infant leave the hospital.