Decimal points OFF indicate that current level does not match the power up level.
Changes the response of the digital filter. Push and release the encoder to scroll
through the filter response modes:
= sharp roll off, linear phase
For linear phase response and time coherency. Fast roll off protects against aliasing distortion
from high amplitude high frequency content. Best for recordings that are loud, compressed, and
with lots of treble. Will contain substantial ringing before and after transients(pre-echo and post-
echo). Note that the ringing occurs at the Nyquist frequency (½ of the sample rate), so it is not
directly audible. However, it can cause intermodulation distortion in downstream components.
= slow roll off, linear phase
For linear phase response and time coherency. Best for acoustic music without compression and
artificially high levels of treble. Will have very low levels of ringing before and after transients but
is susceptible to distortion artifacts caused by high amplitude high frequency information in the
program material.
= sharp roll off, minimum phase
Not linear phase in the pass band. Fast roll off protects against aliasing distortion from high
amplitude high frequency content. Best for recordings that are loud, compressed, and with lots of
treble. Will contain substantial ringing caused by transients, but all of the ringing is shifted to
after the transient. This can reduce the perceived effects off downstream intermodulation
distortion due to the Hass Effect.
= slow roll off, minimum phase
Not linear phase in the pass band. Best for acoustic music without compression and artificially
high levels of treble. Will have very low level of ringing caused by transients and ringing will be
shifted to after the transient.
Changes the USB operation mode from Audio Class 1 to Audio Class 2
= USB Audio Class 1 mode
= USB Audio Class 2 mode
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