Using the Setup Menu
Navigating the Setup Menu
The m9XX provides several setup and calibration options, which are adjusted in a simple setup
menu. The setup menu is accessed by the top panel volume encoder. To enter the setup menu,
simply push and hold the volume encoder for 2 seconds. The 7 segment LED screen will change
from the current level readout to the current setup menu item. From here you either turn the
encoder to scroll through the setup menu, or push and release the encoder to adjust the current
setup menu item. Rotate to select other menu items, or push and hold the encoder for 2 seconds to
store your settings and exit the setup menu.
Setup Menu Items
Activates crossfeed on all outputs. In the Setup Menu, push and release the encoder
to activate / deactivate crossfeed. Decimal points on indicate that crossfeed is active.
Crossfeed OFF
Crossfeed ON
Toggles between the 2 available audio inputs - USB or TOSLINK. In the
Setup Menu, push and release the encoder to select input source.
USB input
Turns off 7 segment display after 5 seconds of inactivity. Turning or
pushing encoder re-illuminates the display. Push and release the encoder to toggle the setting.
Decimal points ON indicate that display dimmer mode is active.
Decimal points OFF indicate that display dimmer mode is not active.
Enters current level setting as the default power up level. Set to 0 as factory
default. Push and release the encoder to activate.
Decimal points ON indicate that current level is stored as the power up level.
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