Cutie Frame
Task 15 - Marking the “Safe Area”
Parts & Tools Needed:
Marking Tool such as Fabric Marker, Chalk, Masking tape, etc (not included).
Tape Measure or Ruler (not included)
Different sewing machines will have different levels of reach over the quilt depending on arm length.
When you’re first getting used to your frame, it’s easy to forget that your machine may not reach all
the way to the edge of the frame. To help get an idea of the reach of your machine, it helps to mark
out the “safe area” with tape, chalk, or washable fabric marker. The safe area is everywhere within
the frame hoop that your machine is able to reach and make stitches in. Take the following steps to
mark out your safe area:
Move your machine to the back left corner of the frame until it can’t go any further.
1.5 inches
from the rear rail and
1 inch
from the left edge of your machine’s reach with
your marking tool. Use this guide to remind you how far you can quilt before you risk hitting the