Grace Industries, Inc.
Alarm Inhibit Timer
: When the SuperCELL® receives an alarm
message from another device, and that alarm is cleared,
the Alarm Inhibit Timer provides a 30 second period of
time where the SuperCELL® will not receive another alarm
message from that same device.
Alarm Message
: A radio transmitted signal sent from a
SuperCELL®, or other GRACE Industries telemetry device,
when the panic button is pressed for the purpose of notifying
monitoring personnel that an emergency situation is present
and rescue action is requested.
Alarm Mode
: A SuperCELL®, or other GRACE Industries
telemetry device, is placed in alarm mode by pressing
the device’s panic button. When this occurs, the device
transmits an alarm signal and emits a loud alarm audio
Canned Text Message
: Canned Text Messages are pre-
programmed, text based messages that can be sent from
one SuperCELL® to another.
Device Name
: The Device Name is a pre-programmed name
assigned to the SuperCELL® device that can be viewed on
the Device Name and Run Time Display page.
Dilution of Precision
: A term used in satellite navigation to
express the positioning accuracy of a GPS device.
GPS Status Icon
: The GPS Status Icon appears on the Icon
Line of the Home Page when the GPS Location feature is
active. The icon changes based on the satellite fi x quality.
Home Page
: The Home Page is the main page of the
SuperCELL® that is displayed on startup and any time the
device is reset. Displayed on this page is the status icons,
motion sensing timer, device OEM and ID numbers, and
the fi rmware versions loaded on the device.
Icon Line
: The Icon Line is the display line at the top of the
home page that displays the device status icons.
Man-Down Alarm Mode
: A SuperCELL, or other GRACE In-
dustries telemetry device, enters Man-Down Alarm Mode
when the Motion Sensing Timer counts down to zero.
Monitoring Authority
: The Monitoring Authority is the
person/people responsible for monitoring the status
of the telemetry devices used by the various on-scene
personnel, usually from a centralized base location.
Motion Sensing Activation Icon
: The Motion Sensing
Activation Icon appears on the Icon Line of the Home
Page when the Motion Sensing feature is active. The icon
changes as the devices senses motion.
Motion Sensing Timer
: The Motion Sensing Timer indicates
the seconds of lack-of-motion required before the Super-
CELL® enters the Man-Down Alarm mode.
Radio Signal Propagation
: Radio Signal Propagation is the
behavior radio waves exhibit when they are transmitted.
Radio Signal Propagation can be aff ected by structural,
environmental, and atmospheric conditions.
Resetting the Device
: Simultaneously pressing the MENU/
PWR and SEL/PWR resets the SuperCELL® and returns the
display to the Home Page.
Sensing Mode
: When the SuperCELL® is turned on, it
is in Sensing Mode. In Sensing Mode, the device is
monitoring radio traffi
c for alarm messages and canned text
messages. The SuperCELL® is also sensing motion, if
Setup Mode
: Setup Mode allows certain characters and
functions on the SuperCELL® to be activated, deactivated,
or modifi ed.
Signal Loss
: Signal Loss is an event that occurs when the
SuperCELL® is out of the communication range of a base
monitor for a preset length of time.
Signal Loss Activation Icon
: The Signal Loss Activation Icon
appears on the Icon Line of the Home Page when the
Signal Loss feature is active.
Unit ID
: The Unit ID is the unique ID number assigned to the
SuperCELL® device for purposes of radio communication.
It can be viewed on the device’s home page.
Unit OEM
: The Unit OEM is a number assigned to the Super-
CELL® device, similar to the Unit ID. The key diff erence is
the Unit OEM is not a unique number to each device. In
most applications all of the SuperCELL® devices will have
the same OEM number; from the factory this number will
usually be 9090.
Defi nition of Terms