1. Turn on power to the AHU.
2. The ion device will be powered when power is applied to the AHU. Note: the ion device is designed to remain
energized 24/7 and does not have to cycle with the fan.
3. Once unit is energized, the integral LED on the power pack will illuminate, indicating the unit is active.
BAS Alarm Operation
1. The purple wires connect to the integral alarm relay. When the unit is powered and there are no faults, the
alarm contacts will be closed. When there is a fault, the contact will open.
1. Remove power from the AHU and remove the required parts to access the iRIB. Confirm the iRIB power
supply LED is not illuminated. It is good practice to ensure all voltage is removed from the iRIB. Take a screw-
driver with insulated handle and touch a carbon fiber brush brass connector on one side to another on the
opposite side. This will discharge any remaining voltage that could cause a potential shock hazard during
2. Use a wet wipe or damp cloth to clean the iRIB. A soft bristle brush, like a toothbrush, can also be used to
clean debris from ion emitters. Do not expose the iRIB to corrosive cleaners.
Figure 1
Mount GPS-iRIB to the
top coil or plastic strip if
Secure power
supply within unit.