GoyaLab SAS
Institut d’optique d’Aquitaine, rue François Mitterrand
- 33400 Talence
Version June 20
Coefficients compare
The similarity threshold between two curves can be adjusted by
modifying both the D coefficient and/or the I coefficient.
The values must be given in %.
Note: The D coefficient takes care of both the shape and the intensity of the curves whereas the I
coefficient only takes care of the shape of the curves.
By default, the IndiGo is in the absolute mode which means that the
intensity displayed is the quantity of photons recorded on each pixel
of the sensor.
The intensity can also be displayed in relative mode where the intensity is expressed as a percentage
of the intensity received compared to a reference spectrum.
To activate this functionality, the following steps must be followed
Activate the relative modes in settings
Go back to the MEASURE menu
Point the IndiGo in the direction of the reference light source
When the spectrum fulfils your requirement, go in the functionalities of the app
“Save BKG”
. The app will record this spectrum as the reference spectrum
The spectrum displayed is now a flat curve at 100%.
1: when the user selects “Save BKG”, all the
spectra will be divided by the reference spectrum.
Note 2: If the intensity recorded is less than the reference the graph will show a dip. If the intensity
recorded is greater than the reference the graph will display a peak.
To remove this mode, go to the functionalities
and select “remove