Device Description HG G-7335xZB | English, Revision 06 | Date: 30.04.2020
Chapter 7 – Software
Calibration Menu
The calibration menu (here: antenna 1) is made up as follows:
Figure 7
Screenshot: Calibration menu antenna 1
During the calibration the maximum of the voltage
is saved in
. In
the maximum of the voltage
on the left and right side from the wire is
saved. During this procedure the sensor has to be moved e.g. ±120 mm above the
wire if the reading height is 60 mm. This equals a value of reading height multiplied
with two.
After pressing any key the calibration values are calculated using the maxima and
the reading height, which was entered in the antenna menu. To save these values
has to be pressed in the main menu.
7.3.3 CAN Menu (HG G-73350)
You can find general information about the CAN Bus and the corresponding terms
in chapter 8 on page 28. The CAN menu is made up as follows:
Figure 8
Screenshot: CAN menu (HG G-73350)
In addition to the above described staus line, the status of the CAN bus is displayed:
Bus online
changes to
Bus offline
if e.g. the CAN bus is unplugged or be
cause of lacking a terminator. Besides that the
CAN open Node
are displayed. The following keys have a spe
cific function:
S1: 3780 D1: 3617 S2: 3133 D2: 4590 X1: +62 X2: +99 Status: 0xc0
Us1: 3795 Udl1: 0 Udr1: 3645
shift Antenna 1 from -2*H to +2*H and press any key when ready
S1: 0 D1: -6 S2: 0 D2: -40 X1: -256 X2: -256 Status: 0x00
Bus online Operational Last Err: 0000
(N)ode ID [1..127]: 1
CAN-(B)audrate[20,50,125,250,500,800,1000 kB]: 500
(C) TPDO_1 mode [1..240,255]: 255
(D) TPDO_1 inhibit time [0,10..10000 ms]: 0
(E) TPDO_1 event time [0,10..10000 ms]: 10
(F) TPDO_2 mode [1..240,255]: 255
(G) TPDO_2 inhibit time [0,10..10000 ms]: 0
(H) TPDO_2 event time [0,10..10000 ms]: 10
(I) Heartbeat time [0..65535 ms]: 0
(A)utostart 1
(L)owbyte first 0