PAGE E - 24
Figure E-9. Terminal Housing Wiring Connections
Sealing Terminal Housing Connections
With Potting Compound
(Figure E-3)
Potting compound and silicone adhesive have the
same electrical properties when correctly applied.
Silicone adhesive is used at the factory to facilitate
production. A commercially available potting kit
(Products Research Corp., part number
PR‐1201‐Q Class 1 potting compound, Chemseal
potting compound, part number GS3100, or equiv
alent) may also be used to seal the connections.
Clean and assemble all terminal components as
indicated in
Sealing Terminal Plate With Silicone
. Use medium grit sandpaper to prepare
the surface of the terminal plate in the area where
the potting mold will be installed.
Clean the cable lead and terminal plate in the areas
to be potted with cleaning solvent before potting.
Potting compound will not adhere properly to oil or
grease coated surfaces.
Trim the potting mold so it is just long enough to
cover the terminal collars. Slide the potting mold
up over the leads of the power cable and control
Secure each cable lead as described in the pre
vious section. Slide the potting mold down over the
terminal collars and onto the terminal plate. Hang
the cable in a vertical position with the terminal
plate horizontal. The cable leads and terminals
should be centered in the potting mold. Use quick‐
setting cement, such as `3‐M Weather Seal' to se
cure the potting mold to the terminal plate.
Most potting base compounds contain
toluene; use adequate ventilation and
avoid prolonged breathing of vapors.
Most potting accelerators contain lead;
avoid ingestion or prolonged contact
with the skin. Read and follow all warn