Gorenje TCX 200 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 33

Maintenance level access

• By pressing field no. 


, you can activate the maintenance mode (

Figure 10


• A display menu with an inscription “code” in the filed 


 appears. Enter the maintenance code (fields FN1, FN2, FN3, FN4, 

FN5 in FN6 for numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

• If you do not press any field for 10 s, the programme returns to the start menu.
• If the code is incorrect, the programme returns to previous operation.
• If the code is correct, the first parameter appears on the display. The number on the right is the serial number of the parameter 

and the field on the left is intended for its value.

• The first parameter 


 is a version of a software code and serves information purposes only.

• By pressing the right number (Field 



Figure 14

) you proceed to the next parameter.

Installation level (code 1166)

After the first code entry for the installation level the programme allows access to the following parameters:


  programme code

• :


  fan speed 20, 25, …, 95, 100

• :


  low temperature mode YES/NO

• :


  PV function YES/NO



  interval setting for anti-legionella function activation

• :


  ventilation YES/NO



  temperature settings °C or °F

Fan speed settings (parameter: 21)

Select the parameter 


 and set the fan speed by pressing (


) or (


) (20% - 100%). See the numerical value settings on the left side 

in field 


. When the fan speed is set, you can save the changes by waiting a few moments or by pressing no. 



Setting low-temperature mode (parameter :27)

Select the parameter 


 and change the temperature by pressing (


) or (


). The temperatures depend on the model of the heat 


The low-temperature mode is possible only if the heat pump model enables this function!****

The settings are shown on the left side (in the field TEMP):


 – heat pump model ZGNT, operation mode of the heat pump (higher than -7°C), the system contains a 4-way valve.


  – heat pump model Z, ZG, operation mode of the heat pump (higher than 7°C), the system does not contain a 4-way valve.

PV function activation (photovoltaics) (parameter :34)


 – activated


  – deactivated

Anti-legionella function (parameter :39)

• Select the parameter (


) and set the interval for the anti-legionella function activation (0 to 60 days) by pressing (+) or (-). 

See the numerical value settings on the left side in field 


. When the interval of the anti-legionella function activation is set, the 

changes are saved automatically after a few moments, or manually by pressing field no.


. If the parameter (


) is set to 0, the 

anti-legionella function is inactive.

• Factory settings of the anti-legionella function activation: Every 14 days of the heat pump operation, if the water temperature in 

the previous 2-week period did not exceed 65 °C continuously for at least an hour. 

• The anti-legionella function works only when the heat pump is switched on. When activated, symbol no. 


 is displayed. 

• The anti-legionella function can be activated manually by pressing field no. 



• The anti-legionella function can be disabled by switching off the heat pump when pressing field no. 



Warning: If heating when the anti-legionella function is activated, the boiler water temperature is 65 °C regardless of the 
temperature set on the appliance.


Figure 14: 

Fields display

















Содержание TCX 200

Страница 1: ...www gorenje com UPUTSTVO ZA UPOTREBU INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE C o TCX 200 300 EN SR MNE ...

Страница 2: ...a dodatnim toplotnim osiguračem U skladu sa sigurnosnim standardima voda u toplotnoj pumpi može tada postići temperaturu i do 130 C Pri izvođenju vodovodnih instalacija se mora poštovati mogućnost da može doći do navdenog temperaturnog opterećenja Ako toplotnu pumpu isključujete iz mreže morate pustiti da voda iz nje isteče da ne bi došlo do zamrzavanja Voda iz toplotne pumpe se prazni kroz dovodn...

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Страница 4: ...čne karakteristike Nazivna električna snaga kompresora W 490 490 490 490 Moć grejača X 7 W 2000 2000 2000 2000 Maksimalna priključna snaga brez grejača sa grejačima W 490 2490 490 2490 490 2490 490 2490 Napon V Hz 230 50 230 50 230 50 230 50 Električno osiguranje A 16 16 16 16 Nivo zaštite od vlage IP24 IP24 IP24 IP24 Bojler Antikorozivna zaštita kotla Nerđajući čelik Nazivni pritisak MPa 0 6 0 9 ...

Страница 5: ...e reagovati intervali rada toplotne pumpe biće kraći razlika između temperature vode u rezervoaru i ogrevanim medijima posle isključivanja termostata biće viša a kao posledica količina i temperatura tople vode u rezervoaru biće niža ako senzor budete namestili niže od preporučenog položaja intervali rada pumpe biće duži razlika između temperature zagrevanog medijuma i ostvarene tempertaure vode u ...

Страница 6: ...mo iz fabrički nameštene 60 na 40 gledaj kasnija poglavlja Kod bojlera sa toplotnom pumpom je na raspolaganju više načina upotrebe usisnog i ispusnog otvora gledaj slike Za prostorski vazduh je najprimerenija upotreba bočnih priključaka za usisavanje i izduvavanje jer će tako doći do najmanjeg mešanja vazduha Kod rada sa upravljanim vazduhom toplotna pumpa preko cevovodnog sistema dovodi tj odvodi...

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Страница 8: ...rađenih u cevovodni sistem Preporučljivo nominalni rad je pri ukupnom padu cca 100 Pa U slučaju nižeg protoka počne COP padati Primer izračuna Broj elemenata Δp Pa ΣΔp Pa Luk 90 4 5 20 Fleksibilna cev 9 5 Pa m 45 Usisna rešetka 1 25 25 Krovni provodnik za otpadni vazduh 1 10 10 Ukupno 100 Vrednost skupnog pada statičkog pritiska se izračuna sabiranjem gubitaka pojedinačnih elemenata ugrađenih u va...

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Страница 12: ... dok se ne postignu uslovi za normalan rad toplotne pumpe Posle uspešnog odmrzavanja se toplotna pumpa vrati u normalan rad prikazani su simboli 16 i 20 Ako je odmrzavanje neuspešno pogon će javiti grešku Polje 4 na ekranu počne treptati uz zvuk upozoravajućeg piska U polju 12 se ispiše šifra greške E247 i izvede se automatski prelaz na zagrevanje električnim grejačem Na ekranu je prikazan simbol ...

Страница 13: ...anu su prikazani simboli 16 in 20 Kada se voda u kotlu zagreje na 55 C uključi se električni grejač koji će zagrejati vodu do 75 C Na ekranu je prikazan simbol 14 Kada temperatura dostigne 75 C će se pumpa vratiti u način rada pre uključivanja HOT načina rada Kod modela bez grejača modeli Z je funkcija neaktivna Prikaz količine tople vode u toplotnoj pumpi Na polju 18 je prikazan simbol nema tople...

Страница 14: ...anja toplotne pumpe Ponovo pritisnite na polje 12 Na polju 5 se prikaže natpis 1ON polje 12 trepće Pritiskom na polje ili podesite vreme uključivanja toplotne pumpe Ponovnim pritiskom na polje 12 možete po gore opisanom postupku namestiti drugi i treći ciklus U slučaju da ne želite podesiti drugi i treći ciklus potvrdite podešavanje pritiskom na polje 11 odnosno sačekajte da polje 12 prestane da t...

Страница 15: ...e parametar 27 Kada izbremo parametar 27 pritiskom na ili određujemo temperaturni režim rada toplotne pumpe koji zavisi od modela toplotne pumpe Nisko temperaturni režim rada možemo namestiti samo ako model toplotne pumpe to omogućava Na levoj strani polje TEMP se izpiše podešeno stanje Yes model toplotne pumpe ZGNT režim rada toplotne pumpe do 7 C sistem sadrži 4 hodni ventil No model toplotne pu...

Страница 16: ...mogoće dužim pritiskom na polje 2 Simbol 3 je vidljiv U slučaju uključivanja rezervnog režima odmah morate kontaktirati servis Signalizacija rada Antilegionelni program program uključen kontrolno polje 17 je prikazano program isključen kontrolno polje 17 nije prikazano Električni grejač grejač uključen kontrolno polje 14 je prikazano grejač isključen kontrolno polje 14 nije prikazano Toplotne pump...

Страница 17: ... se izvede antilegionelni ciklus bez obzira na stanje kontakta Radna funkcije u slučaju da je funkcija aktivirana kontakt uključen rad toplotne pumpe je omogućen Toplotna pumpa zagrejava vodu do maksimalne temperature zagrevanja TP gledaj tabelu tehničkih podataka Grejač se ne aktivira kontakt isključen rad toplotne pumpe je omogućen Toplotna pumpa održava temperaturu vode na 40 C Skidanje EPP ser...

Страница 18: ...ključni kabl minimalnog preseka 0 5 mm2 H05VV F 2G 0 5 mm2 i maksimalnog spoljašnjeg preseka 10mm da bi to učinili morate prvo odstraniti EPP servisni poklopac Način odstranjivanja je opisan u prethodnom poglavlju Priključni kabl priključite na prekidač koji se nalazi ispod upravljačke jedinice Mesto priključivanja je označeno oznakom PV Upotrebite mesta 1 i 2 Sl 16 Mesto ulaza za priključivanje p...

Страница 19: ...j sredini preniska isparivač može zamrznuti Da li se ne čuje rad kompresora i ventilatora Uprkos pažljivoj proizvodnji i kontroli prilikom rada toplotne pumpe može doći do smetnji i kvarova koje mora popraviti ovlašćeni servis Oznaka grešaka U slučaju greške na aparatu on počne piskati i treptati u polju 4 Pritiskom na polje 4 sa na polju 12 ispiše šifra greške Molimo Vas da eventualne kvarove na ...

Страница 20: ...ng thermostat with an additional thermal cut out In case of thermostat failure water in the storage tank may reach the temperature of up to 130 C in accordance with safety standards The possibility of such temperature overload should be taken into consideration in the execution of plumbing Should you choose to disconnect the power the storage tank should be drained thoroughly before the onset of f...

Страница 21: ...xceed 400 l to 700 l The set temperature should suffice actual needs Recommended temperature settings are between 45 and 55 C Higher temperatures are not recommended as they reduce the efficiency COP and extend the time of heating or increase the number of operating hours Because during its operation the heat pump cools its surroundings the usefulness of the heat pump is doubled heating water cool...

Страница 22: ... 220 450 Max acceptable pressure drop in the pipeline volumetric flow rate of a at 330 m3 h 60 Pa 100 100 100 100 Electrical characteristics Specified power of the compressor W 490 490 490 490 Heater power X 7 W 2000 2000 2000 2000 Maximum connection power without heater with heater W 490 2490 490 2490 490 2490 490 2490 Voltage V Hz 230 50 230 50 230 50 230 50 Electrical protection A 16 16 16 16 M...

Страница 23: ...he thermostat will respond faster the operation period of the circulation pump will be shorter the difference between the water temperature in the storage tank and the temperature of the heating source after the shutdown of the thermostat will be higher Consequently the quantity and the temperature of hot water in the storage tank will be lower if you install the sensor in a lower position the ope...

Страница 24: ... it is reasonable to reduce the fan speed from factory settings of 60 to 40 to reduce noise See further chapters There are several inlet and outlet openings possible with this model See figure Elbows are more suitable for ambient air operation and must be installed on the heat pump and turned so that they prevent the mixing of air In this type of operation the heat pump uses air from other premise...

Страница 25: ...re we advise against further increase for it will only cause higher levels of noise The diagram shows the following areas High efficiency area area of high airflow rates over 300 m3 requires lower pressure drops pipeline free or short pipeline and fan settings to 60 or 80 Middle efficiency area area of middle airflow rates between 200 and 300 m3 h 40 fan settings minimum pressure drop 60 or 80 of ...

Страница 26: ...g up pressure drops of each individual element installed in the air pipeline system Recommended nominal operation is at the sum total of ca 100 Pa In case of airflow decrease COP drops Calculation example Number of elements Δp Pa ΣΔp Pa Bend 90 4 5 20 Flexible hose 9 5 Pa m 45 Suction grille 1 25 25 Top exhaust air outlet 1 10 10 Sum total 100 Values of total static pressure drop are calculated by...

Страница 27: ...eration is faultless During the heating of water the water pressure in the hot water tank is increased up to the level present in the safety valve Since the system prevents backflow of water into the water supply mains water may be dripping from the outlet opening on the safety valve The dripping water may be drained via trap into the drains the trap is mounted under the safety valve The outlet pi...

Страница 28: ...on through the heat exchanger proper temperature control of the additional source must be ensured If the additional energy source is solar power the operation of the aggregate of the heat pump must be shut off The combination of two heating sources can lead to overheating of the hot water and thus to excessive pressures The circulation pipeline causes additional temperature decline in the hot wate...

Страница 29: ... 3 PV function 4 Fan 5 Electric heating element 2 x 1000W Models ZG and ZGNT 6 Thermal cut out 7 LCD touch screen 8 Housing ground in case of a metal casing 9 Boiler ground LEGEND 1 Signalization of the operation of solar collectors 2 Alternative source of heating turned on 3 Signalization of the backup operation 4 Indication overview of operation errors entrance into the service menu 5 Display an...

Страница 30: ...ds 2 4 6 11 13 and 15 remain inactive Defrosting takes place until the conditions for normal operation of the heat pump are achieved After successful defrosting the heat pump returns to normal operation symbols 16 and 20 are displayed If defrosting is unsuccessful the controlling unit displays an error message Field no 4 starts flashing accompanied by warning beeps By pressing field no 4 the warni...

Страница 31: ...hes 55 C the electric heater turns on to heat the temperature up to 75 C The screen displays the symbol no 14 When the temperature reaches 75 C the heat pump returns to the mode used before the HOT mode With models without the heater the function is inactive Display of the quantity of water in the heat pump The display shows the symbol 18 no warm water low quantity of warm water high quantity of w...

Страница 32: ...pressing fields or set the time of shutdown Press field no 12 again On the field no 5 the text 1ON appears and field no 12 starts to blink By pressing fields or set the time of start up By pressing field no 12 again you can use the above procedure to set the second and third period If you do not want to set the second and third periods confirm the setting by pressing field no 11 or wait for field ...

Страница 33: ...res depend on the model of the heat pump The low temperature mode is possible only if the heat pump model enables this function The settings are shown on the left side in the field TEMP Yes heat pump model ZGNT operation mode of the heat pump higher than 7 C the system contains a 4 way valve No heat pump model Z ZG operation mode of the heat pump higher than 7 C the system does not contain a 4 way...

Страница 34: ...rror occurs on the aggregate The water is heated with heaters By pressing field no 2 backup mode is deactivated Symbol 3 is displayed If the backup mode is activated please contact the maintenance services Operation signalization Antilegionella programme activated control field 17 is displayed deactivated control field 17 is not displayed Electrical heater activated control field 14 is displayed d...

Страница 35: ... the PV mode PV operation activated PV is activated and the operation of the heat pump is allowed The heat pump heats the water to the maximum temperature see technical characteristics table The heater is deactivated No contact between PV clamps and the heat pump operation is allowed The heat pump heats the water temperature up to 40 C Opening the EPP maintenance cover Models TCX30XXXX 1 To remove...

Страница 36: ... is shown in figure 16 Use a connection cord minimum inner cross section 0 5 mm2 H05VV F 2G 0 5 mm2 and maximum external cross section of 10 mm The removal of the cover is described in the chapter above Connect the cord to the clamp located under the control unit The connection location is marked with PV Use ports 1 and 2 Figure 16 PV connection location Figure 17 PV connection port 1 2 PV 36 EN 6...

Страница 37: ...ent temperature too low evaporator can freeze Can you hear the operation of the compressor and fan Despite careful production and control the heating pump can produce errors that must be solved by an authorised service provider Indicator of errors In case of an error on the appliance the beeper starts beeping and field no 4 starts flashing When you press field no 4 the error code is displayed in f...

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