Eng. Edition 1.0 2004, Nov.
2 Installation
2.1 Precautions
Before selling a PellX burner, the dealer has to be sure that all conditions
necessary for creating a functional installation are fulfilled. If extra
modifications have to be carried out, information must be given before selling
the burner.
Always check the local regulations for new/changed installations with the
housing committee in the municipality, where the installation is to be made. A
permit might be required. Also contact the local chimney sweep.
The boiler room, where the pellets burner is to be installed, the chimney and
other auxiliary equipment must comply with the current fire protection
regulations and local standards. The boiler room must be provided with an open
air inlet valve with a free area corresponding to the chimney cross sectional area.
A warm air boiler may not take warm air from the boiler room.
The burner installation shall be carried out by an authorized installation
contractor in accordance with the instructions in the PellX Installation Manual
and according to local regulations. Electrical authorization is required for the
electrical installation. Final inspection, function control and adjustment of the
installation are to be carried out by a person with PellX authorization.