Play Store app
accessing, 166
browsing for apps, 168
changing settings for, 166
clearing search history, 168
Details screen for apps, 171
gift cards, 167
Google Wallet, 167
installing apps, 169
My Apps screen, 170
paying for purchases, 167
playing movies, 174–175
playing music, 172–173
playing TV shows, 174–175
reading books, 176–177
returning apps for refunds, 170
searching for apps, 168
sharing apps, 169
shopping in, 167
store credits, 167
trying to find apps, 171
uninstalling apps, 170
unintentional purchases, 166
updating apps, 170–171
POP and IMAP mail, 163
portrait view
changing to, 29
using for Web pages, 135
power, conserving, 34
powering on and off, 8
Power/Lock button, 3
processors, 2
public transit, getting directions for, 198
RAM (random access memory), 36
Recent Apps button, 11
Recommended Apps widget, 21
Reset Tablet setting, accessing, 13
resizing widgets, 22
restarting Nexus 7, 7
restore options, setting, 15
restoring data, 78
Robot logo, 4
rotate gesture, 9
rotation defaults, overriding, 29
adjusting length of time to stay on, 7
capacitative, 10
cleaning, 35
screen brightness, adjusting, 27
screen content, beaming, 70–71
screen lock
Owner Info, 44
setting, 42–44
setting sound for, 44
screen orientation, changing, 29
screen rotation, locking and unlocking, 29
hotword detection, 99
Privacy and Accounts setting, 108
queries, 100–104
Tablet Search setting, 107
using, 98–99
voice search, 98–99
voice settings, 107
search app.
Google Now search app
Search Engine option, accessing in Chrome, 133
search provider, changing default, 133
digital certificates, 46
encryption, 45–46
Password option, 43
PIN option, 43
setting screen lock, 42–44
services, managing, 36–38
settings, viewing and changing, 17–18
setup options, changing, 16
shortcut, creating for Web pages, 140
shorthand instructions, 4
sleep feature, activating, 7
sleep timeout, shortening, 34
software, “pure,” 6
hearing upon touching screen, 9
muting, 30
setting for screen lock, 44
speakers, 3, 31
battery life, 2
camera, 2
dimensions, 2
display resolution, 2
display size, 2
memory (RAM), 2
Micro-USB cable, 2
processors, 2
storage, 2
USB charging unit, 2
weight, 2
wireless, 2
spelling, checking, 54