Download Fitdays App
Scan the QR code below to download the app or search for "Fitdays" in the
Apple Store or Google Play. The App icon will appear on your phone or tablet
after the installation is completed.
How to use the scale with Fitdays App for the first time?
Open the App “Fitdays” on your device.
Register your own account by email or login with social media account.
Add personal data and confirm. Note: Please enter your gender, age and height
correctly for accurate measurements.
Turn on Bluetooth and / or GPS on your phone or tablet:
IOS: Make sure Bluetooth is turned on and Bluetooth authorization is permitted.
Android: Make sure Bluetooth is turned on and GPS and location are allowed.
Place 4x 1.5V AAA batteries on the back of the scale. Place the scale on a hard,
flat surface. Step on the scale with single foot to activate the scale. Wait until de
display shows “0.0kg”.
Step on the metal sensors with bare, dry feet and follow the instructions “correct
posture for measuring”. App will automatically connect to the scale. Or you could
also click “Account”-> “Device” -> “+” -> “Bluetooth” find the scale Bluetooth ID:
The display “flashes” when the scale is measuring and analyzing.
Stay on the scale until the data has been imported into the App. The App will show
your data within a few seconds.
Go to "Measure" and select "More data" to view all your measurement results.
Operating instructions