All GOODE Skis are factory tuned to the recommended specifications. These tuning specifica-
tions are only for 2005/2006 GOODE Skis. It is better to have the skier try the skis on the hill with the
factory tune specifications than to modify them to other specifications. Changes to the factory tune
should be justified based on skier performance feedback. The base is an ultra-high molecular weight
sintered graphite race quality base material. General Tuning Specifications are as follows:
Base Edge Bevel
1 degree
Full edge width only. If customer notes
excessive grabbiness,
Check for burrs,
Check angle consistency,
Polish edge.
Side Edge Bevel
2 degree
Base Finish
Adjust for local and seasonal conditions
Tip Edge Bevel
Adjust per customer specifications. De-tune
full sharp
as a last resort.
no burrs
Tail Edge Bevel
Adjust per customer specifications. De-tune
full sharp
as a last resort.
no burrs
Base Flatness
Generally the base must be stone-ground as flat as possible. Slight concavity in the shovel area is
not a cause for concern unless, after skiing, a negative performance attribute is related to the concav-
ity. Burrs or edge curl should be the first area of investigation for grabby or control issues.
Base Finishing
The factory base structure is a very versatile multi-condition finish. Adaptations can be made to
match local conditions and seasonal variation. For specific finishing machine set-up conditions consult
your tuning equipment manufacturer’s specifications.
Base Edge and Side Edge Tuning
Refer to the above specifications for proper edge angles. These specifications in conjunction with
a full-length sharp edge that is smooth or polished will provide excellent performance.
The combination of specific fiber orientation and the extremely high modulus of carbon fiber
allows us to design skis with very aggressive edge hold at the tip and tail. The torsional stiffness of
many of our skis is greater than high performance and racing stock aluminum (sometimes referred to
as titanium) skis. The very light weight of carbon skis also increases their reactivity and responsive-
ness. The flex profile tuning of all GOODE Carbon Fiber Skis was chosen to provide the best all
around performance. Some tip de-tuning may be desirable for skiers wanting a smoother and less
aggressive feel. Adjust only as needed, after slope testing, to address any negative performance
related issues that can be associated with a sharp tip or tail.
Because of the high torsional stiffness and relentless edge hold of a GOODE Ski the main edge
tuning issue is removal of burrs on the edges from tuning, handling, or slope damage. Burrs or edge
curl should be the first area of investigation for grabby or control issues.
Wax is good. Use it as often as possible to maximize the performance and fun of skiing.
Download the most current revision of this manual at: www.goode.com/ssbindings.html