Binding Installation
Quality binding installation is essential for maximizing ski performance and ensuring
proper binding function. The following instructions are recommended for all GOODE skis.
Normal Binding Installation Procedure:
1) Adjust the binding installation jig to the boot and lock in position per the binding manufacturers
2) The 2004/2005 CARBON series skis are mounted at a
position. Position the mount-
ing jig so the boot mid-sole is aligned with the “MID SOLE” mark on the binding platform.
Mounting position for female skiers can be up to 2cm forward for optimal turn initiation perfor-
3) Use a 3.5~3.8 mm diameter drill bit 9.5mm long. Do not drive the shoulder into the binding
platform, as this could make the hole too deep.
4) Thoroughly clean debris out of the hole and scrape or file off any material sticking above the
top of the hole.
5) Partially fill the holes with a waterproof glue (white glue) that is not water-based, or epoxy,
before installing the screws. This will seal the hole. We recommend GE Silicone II Household
Glue, stock number GE280, available at most hardware stores.
6) Drive all screws into the ski as recommended by the binding manufacturer to a torque value of
4 N-M. Double check to make sure the screws and binding are fully seated on the ski. Do not
over torque the screws.
7) Inspect the final installation per the binding manufacturer procedures.
Special Binding Mounting Considerations:
1) If the hole is damaged it must be repaired before binding installation. Fiberglass or Carbon
wool and epoxy is recommended. Re-drill and tap the hole after the hole is filled and the epoxy
has cured. Drilling a larger hole for repair is not recommended.
2) Removal of the binding plate for binding or riser plate mounting can be done. If removal is
necessary make sure the ski is at least 12 mm thick where a standard binding mounting screw
is installed. If the ski is thinner the screw and drill bit must be at least 3 mm shorter than the full
ski thickness. Drilling the hole deeper or using a longer screw could damage the lower laminate
and significantly reduce the strength of the ski.
3) Special care and inspection must be performed when mounting a telemark or 3-pin binding.
The screws must be of adequate thread thickness for screw retention strength. Replace the
screws with a proper length alpine binding screw if the threads are thin in comparison. Measure
to make sure the screw does not project more than 8.5 mm below the binding. 3-pin toe pieces
with a tight cluster of screw holes must not be directly mounted to the ski. Mount the toe piece
onto a riser or adapter plate with screw holes at least 7 cm apart along the length of the ski.
Mounting a 3-pin toe piece with a tight cluster of screw holes directly onto the ski is not advised
and may void the warranty for related damage.
4) When mounting a telemark or randonee binding check to make sure all holes line up with the
binding platform before drilling. Adjust the position as necessary.
5) Drilling extra holes or re-mounting a binding may void the warranty for related damage. Extra
holes must be at least 2 cm apart, as measured down the length of the ski. Drilling extra holes
less than 2 cm apart may dramatically reduce the strength and durability of the ski.
Special Warning:
The Goode 95 and 116 models require the use of a ski brake that can accommodate a
ski width of 95 mm and 116 mm, respectively. Appropriately sized binding installation jigs must be used
to insure proper centering of the binding.