Beach Buddy with optional wheel
kit for paved surfaces.
The Beach Buddy
, is designed to protect the
motor and propeller from underwater objects
while cruising or beaching your Go
Float. It is
also used to stand your Go
Float on end for
storage in small areas. For instructions on
storing upright, see page 10. While underway it
may catch weeds. If you think you have slowed
because of weeds on the Beach Buddy, follow the same procedure as
for removing weeds from the propeller on page 11. Wheel Kits are avail-
able to add to your Go
Float Beach Buddy
for easier movement
across lawns, driveways, etc.
Do not use the Beach Buddy as a step to enter the boat.
Beach Buddy
Stereo (optional).
iPod ready. Compati-
ble with most MP3 players and other audio
devices. Refer to the manufacturer’s man-
ual included with your boat.
Caution: close media tray before entering
or leaving the boat to prevent damage to it.
Optional wheel kit for sand/soft